Dr. Anthony Fauci's ex-employee, was jailed, finally talk about Medical MAFIA

I have been in a similar situation for raising concern about nurses and chemist allowed to diagnose and prescribe drugs in the NHS. The wrongdoings that destroyed the lives of thousands of people who come to the hospital to get help from a doctor. The scandals have brought us shame. http://www.bailii.org/cgi-bin/format.cgi?doc=/ew/cases/EWCA/Civ/2018/936.html&query=(srivatsa)+AND+(kadiyali) 

The present situation https://youtu.be/hXeLm7LNX_Y could have been prevented if one leader in the world had listened to and implemented http://www.the-american-interest.com/2017/01/12/superbug-pandemics-and-how-to-prevent-them/. I agree if vaccination could be developed to boost immunity but it takes years and may not work, because the viruses and bacteria are stronger, more intelligent and are well adapted to survive. 
Every year, new viral strains spread and so by the time vaccination is invented and produced, millions will die. The bacteria that are resistant to treatment are the problem. I know institutions, hospitals, companies and pharmaceutical companies are members of medical Mafia. 

In 2014, I made it clear the pandemics will be a threat to members of my profession, and now it's true. https://youtu.be/s1wylU0UwUA We are talking about a profession built on a foundation of lies and deceit. Until people like you stop trusting what you hear on TV and media and believe doctors like Dr Mikovits and me sharing, humanity will suffer.

In my book, Maya Bring Tears of happiness, I have summarised history of medicine and how by kindling emotions, making people believe we have drugs and methods to "Save Lives" to commercialise modern medicine.
