Abrupt End Of Modern Medicine is Inevitable


Fear of not knowing how life will be after the present Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic is a daunting experience. The fear of pain, suffering drive you to consult a doctor and fear of not diagnosing, treating and preventing getting infected, has brought us to our knee. We are now bombarded with information that confuses us.Making a decision is become difficult, because the information circulated via social media, Twitter and WhatsApp by non-medically trained people and professions is often controversial. Symptom checkers, blogs and websites offering to answer your concern is not trailered to your requirement. Healthcare advice offered by non-medically trained professionals like nurses, chemist and healthcare assistants offers false reassurance to patients who trust them. This has resulted in a delay in diagnosis, treatment results in spreading infections with devastating complications. Medical errors are the third common cause of death following a heart attack and cancer. One in three patients with misdiagnosis results in death. It is very difficult, and expensive to consult a doctor, and so have now lost trust and inclined not to believe what the healthcare professionals are saying. I don’t blame you, but blame healthcare profession for concealing the truth. My name is Srivatsa, I am a doctor, teacher, assessor of medical students, junior doctors, nurses for more than forty years. When I warned about the 21st Century Crisis, I was harassed, humiliated and my passion distroyed I published three books to help me share the knowledge and experience to protect you and healthcare workers. We must reduce wasted consultation, cost, cross infections and abusing antibiotics to fight this war with germs. My mission was to systemise healthcare and reduce social inequalities in health. I am not a microbiologist, but a clinician not living under an illusion based on theoretical idealism, but have the knowledge, and understand the practical realities of managing infections. know not why, but in 1989, I said the microscopic enemies threaten our profession and our very existence in 1989. Fear, of this threat, made me dedicate my life in search of a solution. I identified causes, developed technique, patented devices to help us reduce the spreading MRSA in hospitals. The result of my studies was published in medical journals, but device manufacturers, healthcare providers, and people in power were not pleased with the disruptive technology and stifled my innovation, and destroyed my passion. I said “This is a war that we may never win”, if we don’t act now, our children will have to live wearing a face mask. How true was I, yet the so-called leaders we elected did not act, but imposed lockdown, that is now ripping apart families and bankrupting nations? We must stop thinking of "killing, conquering and ruling" and start thinking of helping friendly bacteria survive and protect us from emerging infections and treatment-resistant bacteria and fungus. This callous attitude will now not only destroy our profession, and threaten our very existence. I was the tutor, trainer of medical students, junior doctors, nurse practitioners and prescriber for more than forty years. I think the time has come when you must acquire the knowledge, to empower and make an informed decision. EMPOWER YOURSELF You must go through these four stages of life called "Yuga" 1. You must be dedicated (Bakthi) 2. Acquire the knowledge (Jnana) 3. Empowered to help others (karma) 4. Succeed to live like a King (Raja) 5. Attain inner peace “Moksha”. Nirvāṇa is a term used to explain the profound peace of mind that is acquired with moksha or mukti after the liberation from Saṃsāra developed as an ultimate goal or release from a state of suffering. CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW TO SPEAK LEARN HOW TO BE EMPOWERED I will guide you through your transition from the present situation to a higher plane of existence. Knowledge of Health is Knowledge of Life Wearing a face mask, washing hands and social distancing may be a good thing, but being smarter is the best thing. You must stop wasting energy thinking about all the mistakes you did in the past, and use the energy to focus on what you can do to help others. Forget the past failures and negative thoughts and focus on your intuitions. As Albert Einstein said: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift,” Working harder and trying to change things you end up tired. You are not stuck, think big, use the opportunity, to the experience of thinking, acting and offering a service that will bring tears of happiness in their eyes. Please note, I was not drawn to you, but you were chosen to get my message. This is once in a lifetime opportunity. Join My Facebook "Virtual Doctor Maya Group to hear more or click here: virtualdoctormaya.com
